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What is CPNI?

CPNI stands for Customer Proprietary Network Information. CPNI is information that: (1) relates to the various aspects of your use of telecommunications services (i.e., quantity, type, destination, location, and amount of use) and (2) is made available to Lively by you solely by virtue of our carrier-customer relationship. CPNI includes: information typically available from telephone-related details on your monthly bill, technical information, type of service, current telephone charges, long-distance, and local service billing records, directory assistance charges, usage data and calling patterns.

What is not CPNI?

CPNI does not include “Subscriber List Information” such as your name, phone number, address, or aggregate customer information that is published in directories. CPNI also does not include information that relates to non-telecommunication services such as broadband/internet services.

What are Lively's obligations with respect to my CPNI?

As a telecommunication carrier, Lively collects and maintains CPNI. Under federal law you have a right, and Lively has a duty, to protect the confidentiality of your CPNI. As a result, we have implemented policies and procedures to help ensure our compliance with the CPNI rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). We also certify our compliance to the FCC on an annual basis. FCC regulations include, but are not limited to, obtaining customer approval prior to use or disclosure of CPNI, mandatory password protection for online account access, notification to law enforcement officials of security breaches.

How does Lively use my CPNI?

Lively uses CPNI to market to you other products and services that we provide. Lively would like to share your CPNI with our parent company, affiliates, and agents in order to develop better products and services for you.

What are my rights regarding the use of my CPNI?

The FCC requires that Lively obtain your affirmative, express consent in order to share or use your CPNI with third parties for marketing purposes.

Please note that not all marketing of CPNI requires your consent. No customer approval is needed to market service such as call answering, voice mail or messaging, voice storage, caller ID, call waiting, speed dial, call return, etc.

Unless you provide us with notice that you wish to opt out within 30 days of receiving this notice, we will assume that you give us the right to share your CPNI for marketing purposes with authorized companies (affiliates and agents) described above . However, we will not disclose your CPNI to third parties unless you provide us with opt-in consent, which can be written, oral, or electronic consent.

The decision not to consent to the sharing of your CPNI will not affect the services that you currently obtain from Lively. However, the inability to share your CPNI will prevent Lively from working with our affiliates and other parties to offer you new products and services in the future.

How can I opt out of CPNI sharing?

If you do not want us to use your CPNI internally for things like offers, please complete the CPNI Opt-Out form.

Yes, you can revoke, change or give your consent at anytime by either completing the CPNI Opt-Out form or contacting our Customer Service department.