Understand your bill, get answers to common questions, and more.
Understand your bill
Your monthly Lively statement details charges and tracks minutes used from the previous month. This example statement has more details.
Common questions
Government Mandated Taxes and Fees
These are mandated taxes and fees that are levied by federal, state, and local governments which Lively is required to collect from customers and remit to various authorities. Actual charges vary and depend on the type of tax, the taxing authority, and your physical address, which may differ from your billing address.
State and Local Cost Recovery Fees
These are state and local fees, taxes, and surcharges that are typically levied on telecommunications providers, including, but not limited to, franchise fees and taxes, privilege taxes, business and occupation taxes, license taxes, sales taxes, PUC surcharges, and effect of city taxes. These are not taxes that the government requires us to collect. Actual charges vary and depend on the type of tax, the taxing authority, and your physical address, which may differ from your billing address.
The Universal Services Fee ("USF")
The Federal and state USF surcharges are monthly fees charged to help Lively recover its required contribution to the Federal Universal Service Fund ("Fund") and various state universal service funds. The Fund was created to help ensure first-class, affordable telecommunications service for all consumers across the country, especially residents in rural communities and low-income customers. Additionally, the Fund provides for discounted telecommunications services for schools, libraries, and rural health-care facilities. All telecommunications providers are required to pay into the Fund, and their contributions may be recovered from customers. The charge is based on a contribution factor that is announced by the government and is subject to change each quarter.
Administrative and Regulatory Fee
This fee is charged to help defray certain costs and expenses we incur to provide service to you, as summarized below. This fee may change from time to time as our actual costs change. No portion of this fee consists of a tax or other charge that is mandated by the government for us to collect.
Administrative Costs relating to billing, credit card processing fees, automatic debit fees and other banking fees, provider network access fees, and for certain customer service functions such as responding to billing inquiries.
Regulatory Costs including Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) contributions, North American Numbering Plan contributions, E911 fees, tower siting mandates, CPNI compliance, network outage reporting, and support for Local Number Portability administration; costs relating to compliance with federal and state reporting requirements.
Your bill is our notice to you of your fees, charges, and other important information. It reflects the fees and charges in effect for your Service plan at the time they are incurred. We charge for overages for usage after calls are made or received, these charges are typically reflected in the following month’s bill. Billing for usage and related charges may sometimes be delayed. Monthly recurring rate plan fees in advance. Delayed usage charges may appear on the following month’s bill and not the bill in which the call was made. This may result in charges higher than you’d expect in the later month.
The length of a call will be rounded up to the next full minute. Charges start when you’re connected to an outgoing or incoming call and end after you hang up your phone, the other party on your call hangs up, or the call ends through disconnection. We only bill for calls that connect, including calls answered by machines. Standard usage charges apply to toll-free calls. Toll free calls use minutes and airtime. There may be additional usage charges for credit card or third-party operator-assisted calls, which may be required in certain areas. You will incur usage charges at a minimum rate of $0.35 per minute if you exceed your Service plan minutes. Billing for usage and related charges may sometimes be delayed.
Read our Customer Agreement to learn more.
Automatic Payment
Visit our Help Center for automatic monthly payment from checking or savings form and instructions. Or, log in to to set up recurring credit or debit payments. These services are secure, convenient and free of charge.
Log in to First time logging in? Go online now to register and receive 50 free anytime minutes.
By Phone
Make a payment using our automated system by calling 1-866-237-8641. It’s convenient, available anytime and there are no additional charges. Friendly customer care advisors are also available 7 days a week. Payments processed with an advisor over the phone will be assessed a $5 processing fee.
By Mail
Send your payment to:
P.O. Box 660688
Dallas, TX 75266-0688
To insure proper processing, remember to include the payment slip from your bill or write down your Lively account number on your check when mailing in a payment.Lively will never ask for your date of birth or social security number when making a payment. If you think you have provided payment information intended for Lively to a third party in error, please contact your bank immediately.
Yes. If you use your phone while traveling or connecting with friends and family in countries outside the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, or El Salvador, additional international rates will be charged, including mobile-to-mobile calls placed under our Share Plans. Regular plan minutes and usage charges (including text messages) are also assessed for the length of the call.
To call Jamaica, you will be charged $0.40/minute for each minute of the call.
To call the United Kingdom, you will be charged $0.06/minute for each minute of the call.
To call Germany, you will be charged $0.07/minute for each minute of the call.
To call everywhere else in the world from the United States, you will be charged $1.00/minute for each minute of the call (or $1.35/minute for Unlimited Plan customers).
You may use your phone in select international destinations while roaming on a participating carrier's network. You will be charged $2.00/minute for each minute of the call. There are no roaming charges made in Canada.
You may use your phone on select cruise ships. You will be charged $2.50/minute for each minute of the call.
Outgoing text messages to international locations are charged $0.50 per message, with the exception of Jamaica, the United Kingdom, and Germany, where you will be charged $0.10 per message.
You will be billed 2¢ per megabyte used over your monthly allowance.
Tip: You can use Wi-Fi to reduce your data usage. If your home already has Internet access and a Wi-Fi network, sometimes called a “wireless network,” you can connect your phone to your Wi-Fi connection to reduce data usage on your monthly data plan allowance. When successfully connected to your Wi-Fi network, all data usage will go through your home’s internet access instead of Lively's cellular network.
Note: Periodically check your phone's Wi-Fi status bar to confirm if you are connected to Wi-Fi. If not, data use may be deducted from your monthly data allowance.
Need more help?
Give us a call
If you have additional questions, please call our Customer Service representatives, available weekdays 7 a.m.–10 p.m. ET and weekends from 9 a.m.–6 p.m. ET.